With the increasing threat of identity theft, businesses are realizing the need for competent handling and destruction of documents of a private nature. Laws such as FACTA (The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003) describe specific methods for disposal of documents so that confidential information may not be reconstructed, and the Federal Trade Commission assesses penalties of up to $1,000 per violation.
The Can Man® provides onsite training of your company’s employees to educate them on the proper handling of secure documents. We will certify your employees who participate in our certified training. This training helps our clients avoid the costly fines and potential law suits associated with negligent document handling. Employees who participate will sign a waiver at the end of training indemnifying the employer against any improper behavior by the employee.
Who needs secure document destruction? If you are in one of the following industries, you are required by federal law to dispose of your documents properly, which includes shredding or burning, but NOT disposing of them through the public trash service.
As one expert put it, if your company has clients or employees, a myriad of federal and state laws requires you to have a secure document destruction plan in place, or be subject to both criminal and civil liability.
Our state-of-the-art secure document destruction systems offer our clients responsive service with plans priced to fit almost any budget. Let The Can Man® show you how we can help you economically protect yourself from identity theft, protect your trade secrets, and comply with Federal and State laws, all while recycling your office waste!